Professional Proofreading
In addition to professional translations, Khmer Translators also offers independent proofreading. Texts that you have translated by us are always proofread in accordance with our policy of using the 4-eyes principle. If you would like to have other texts that have already been translated or written by you proofread, this is of course also possible. Your texts will be checked and, if necessary, adapted by trained proofreaders who specialize in the relevant field.
Proofreading for Error-Free Texts
To ensure that the content of translated texts reaches the customers or partners in the right way and is fully comprehensible, translations should always be checked. For this purpose, Khmer native translators or proofreaders should be used who know the subtleties of the target language. In this way, one can avoid spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, incorrect punctuation, inconsistent syntax and misleading expressions that can lead to difficulties in communication. All these mistakes can leave a bad and unprofessional impression on the target audience or person for whom the text is intended.
Speak with us.
Meet virtually or in person to discuss your project and get your quote.
Tell: 069-842-720 (9.00 a.m. -5.30 p.m.)